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Kini Seawright loses her house to a fire

Kini Seawright is a contributor to the Red Umbrella Babies anthology and recently joined the editorial collective to take a larger role in the book process. Kini and her roommate Peggy Plews lost their house and belongings in a house fire in Michigan in December 2014 just before the holidays. Please support Kini and Peggy by donating to help them pay a deposit on a new place and rebuild their lives.


Kini and Peggy had very recently moved to Michigan from Phoenix, Arizona and had only just begun to place their belongings in their new place. Kini lost everything she owned but managed to save some of her son's ashes. Dana Seawright, Kini's only child, was murdered in July 2010 in Lewis Prison. In 2012 Kini founded the Seawright Prison Justice Project in honor of Dana in partnership with Peggy. The Seawright Prison Justice Project exists to provide space for those who care about prisoners and prison abolition to come together to share their experience and strategize everything from how to help individual prisoners and their families, to how to reduce gang violence and make the Department of Correction obsolete.


Kini and Peggy have opened their home, shared their food, fought in the streets and given everything they had to help people victimized by the police and prison industrial complex. Kini and Peggy were there at the very first meeting of SWOP Phoenix in 2013, the posters for the first rally was made at their house, on their porch. They encouraged so many people–including the ACLU AZ–to #standwithMonica during the recent years of campaign lead by Monica Jones to challenge the Phoenix “manifestation” statute. Now we in the community can give back to Kini and Peggy and help them with donations and messages of support.

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